이민법은 계속계속 바뀌고 앞으로도 바뀔예정..
Changes to temporary work visas
In 2021, we are making changes to the way employers recruit some migrants for temporary work in New Zealand. Some major changes have recently come into effect.
Employers will lead a new process for employing migrant workers
From 2021, employers wishing to employ migrant workers on the new temporary work visa will use a 3-step process.
- An employer check — it will be mandatory for all employers, including those with an existing accreditation, to be accredited under the new application process before they can hire migrants on the new work visa.
- A job check — this will include checking that the job is paid in line with the New Zealand market rate and, in some cases, will include a labour market test to ensure New Zealand workers are not available.
- A worker check — when the worker applies for a visa, they must show they meet our standard character, identity and health requirements, as well showing they have the skills to do the job they have been offered.
2021년부터는 워크비자 신청시 위 3가지를 체크하기에 기존보다 워크비자를 받기가 더 힘들어질 예정
Labour market test는 median wage 이하인 경우에만 해야함 그 이상을 받으면 그냥 고용주 싸인받는 서류에 싸인만 받으면 됨
Some visas and employer schemes will be replaced
From 2021, a new temporary work visa will replace 6 existing visas:
- Essential Skills Work Visa
- Essential Skills Work Visa — approved in principle
- Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa
- Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
- Silver Fern Job Search Visa, and
- Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa.
At the same time 2 employer schemes will be removed:
- approval in principle (AIP) before an employer hires workers on an Essential Skills Work Visa
- accreditation as a Talent Accredited Employer.
워크비자는 기존 종류가 많았던 비자들로부터 간단하게 2가지료 변경됨
Essential Skills Work Visa와 Talent Accredited Employer만 남고 다 사라짐
Skill-levels and wages
We now only use the rate of pay to determine conditions of an Essential Skills visa. Jobs will be assessed as either paying at or above the New Zealand median wage, or below the New Zealand median wage.
Essential Skills visas are changing 27 July 2020
Employing migrant workers — what is changing
Before 27 July 2020, jobs under the Essential Skills work visa policy were assigned a skill band based on a combination of the pay and the categorisation of the job on ANZSCO. The skill band determined:
- whether an employer needed to engage with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
- the duration of the visa
- whether the visa holder was limited to a maximum of 3 years in New Zealand, and
- if the visa holder could support family to come to New Zealand.
기존 high mid low skill로 분류되었던 ANZSCO기준은 없어지고 순수하게 돈으로만 기준을 나눔
돈으로만.... 돈으로만.... 돈만...... 기술말고 돈.....................
사실상 돈이 가장 확실하게 기술을 보증해준다 기술이 있으면 그에 맞는 대우(돈)를 해주기 때문
Strengthening the labour market test
As part of the labour market test, employers will have to:
- include the salary when advertising the job
- provide information about low-paid jobs to MSD, and
- accept potential workers referred by MSD for a low-paid job — although there are some exceptions.
Employers offering a high-paid job outside Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin will not have to do a labour market test. Employers in these cities will still need to undertake a labour market test for any job they offer, unless it is on a skills shortage list.
Managing labour markets in New Zealand cities and regions
Market test는 더 강화하고
Immediate changes for Talent Accredited Employers
From 7 October we are:
- increasing the wage or salary that a migrant work must earn to qualify for the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa from NZD $55,000 to NZD $79,650
- limiting how long newly accredited employers will get accreditation for, and
- removing the option for a Permanent Resident Visa, in place of a resident visa, for those applying for a Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa.
Changes to the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa
탈렌트비자 신청가능한 연봉기준은 55000불에서 79650불로 상항 시간채우면 영주권 나올수 있는 옵션을 제거
예전같은 열정이 없어서 전체문서를 정리하지는 못할것 같다
위가 대충 키포인트 이고 쉽게받는 영주권 시대는 끝났다
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