오늘은 안녕하세요 님의 요청으로 hammerdb 사용법을 정리해볼까 한다
먼저 hammerDB를 다운받자
Release 2.23 for Windows 64-bit
을 눌러서 다운받고 설치를 하자
설치는 간단하게 ㄱㄱ
그러면 디비를 간단하게 SQL server로 준비하고 스키마 생성하고 tps측정까지 해보자
SQL server를 더블클릭하고
MSSQL server 와 TPC-C 선택
첫번째에 Schema Build가 보인다
저걸로 스키마를 빌드할건데
일단 디비에 접근권한을 줘야 하는데 tpcc 계정을 만들고 사용해보자
SQL server로 가서 아래와 같이 쿼리를 하고
tpcc에 tpcc로 생성한다
생성 이후에 다시 hammerdb로 돌아와서
옵션즈를 더블클릭하고 접속정보를 잘 설정하도록 하자
OK누르고 나온다음 Build를 더블클릭하면 만들거냐고 물어본다 "예"를 누르면..
오류가 났다... 접속이 안되었다;;;
SQL Server 및 Windows 인증모드(S)가 아니어서;;;;
다시 설정하고 다시 스키마 빌드
Script Editor탭을 보면 스키마 빌드를 위해 사용되는 쿼리가 보인다
#!/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.6 if [catch {package require tclodbc 2.5.1} ] { error "Failed to load tclodbc - ODBC Library Error" } proc CreateStoredProcs { odbc imdb } { puts "CREATING TPCC STORED PROCEDURES" if { $imdb } { set sql(1) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[neword] @no_w_id int, @no_max_w_id int, @no_d_id int, @no_c_id int, @no_o_ol_cnt int, @TIMESTAMP datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @no_c_discount smallmoney, @no_c_last char(16), @no_c_credit char(2), @no_d_tax smallmoney, @no_w_tax smallmoney, @no_d_next_o_id int, @no_ol_supply_w_id int, @no_ol_i_id int, @no_ol_quantity int, @no_o_all_local int, @o_id int, @no_i_name char(24), @no_i_price smallmoney, @no_i_data char(50), @no_s_quantity int, @no_ol_amount int, @no_s_dist_01 char(24), @no_s_dist_02 char(24), @no_s_dist_03 char(24), @no_s_dist_04 char(24), @no_s_dist_05 char(24), @no_s_dist_06 char(24), @no_s_dist_07 char(24), @no_s_dist_08 char(24), @no_s_dist_09 char(24), @no_s_dist_10 char(24), @no_ol_dist_info char(24), @no_s_data char(50), @x int, @rbk int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SET @no_o_all_local = 0 SELECT @no_c_discount = customer.c_discount , @no_c_last = customer.c_last , @no_c_credit = customer.c_credit , @no_w_tax = warehouse.w_tax FROM dbo.customer, dbo.warehouse WHERE warehouse.w_id = @no_w_id AND customer.c_w_id = @no_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @no_d_id AND customer.c_id = @no_c_id UPDATE dbo.district SET @no_d_tax = d_tax , @o_id = d_next_o_id , d_next_o_id = district.d_next_o_id + 1 WHERE district.d_id = @no_d_id AND district.d_w_id = @no_w_id SET @no_d_next_o_id = @o_id+1 INSERT dbo.orders( o_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_c_id, o_entry_d, o_ol_cnt, o_all_local) VALUES ( @o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id, @no_c_id, @TIMESTAMP, @no_o_ol_cnt, @no_o_all_local) INSERT dbo.new_order(no_o_id, no_d_id, no_w_id) VALUES (@o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id) SET @rbk = CAST(100 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 1 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = @no_o_ol_cnt WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN IF ((@loop_counter = @no_o_ol_cnt) AND (@rbk = 1)) SET @no_ol_i_id = 100001 ELSE SET @no_ol_i_id = CAST(1000000 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) SET @x = CAST(100 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) IF (@x > 1) SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id ELSE BEGIN SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id SET @no_o_all_local = 0 WHILE ((@no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id) AND (@no_max_w_id != 1)) BEGIN SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = CAST(@no_max_w_id * RAND() + 1 AS INT) DECLARE @db_null_statement$2 int END END SET @no_ol_quantity = CAST(10 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) SELECT @no_i_price = item.i_price , @no_i_name = item.i_name , @no_i_data = item.i_data FROM dbo.item WHERE item.i_id = @no_ol_i_id SELECT @no_s_quantity = stock.s_quantity , @no_s_data = stock.s_data , @no_s_dist_01 = stock.s_dist_01 , @no_s_dist_02 = stock.s_dist_02 , @no_s_dist_03 = stock.s_dist_03 , @no_s_dist_04 = stock.s_dist_04 , @no_s_dist_05 = stock.s_dist_05 , @no_s_dist_06 = stock.s_dist_06 , @no_s_dist_07 = stock.s_dist_07 , @no_s_dist_08 = stock.s_dist_08 , @no_s_dist_09 = stock.s_dist_09 , @no_s_dist_10 = stock.s_dist_10 FROM dbo.stock WHERE stock.s_i_id = @no_ol_i_id AND stock.s_w_id = @no_ol_supply_w_id IF (@no_s_quantity > @no_ol_quantity) SET @no_s_quantity = (@no_s_quantity - @no_ol_quantity) ELSE SET @no_s_quantity = (@no_s_quantity - @no_ol_quantity + 91) UPDATE dbo.stock SET s_quantity = @no_s_quantity WHERE stock.s_i_id = @no_ol_i_id AND stock.s_w_id = @no_ol_supply_w_id SET @no_ol_amount = (@no_ol_quantity * @no_i_price * (1 + @no_w_tax + @no_d_tax) * (1 - @no_c_discount)) IF @no_d_id = 1 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_01 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 2 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_02 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 3 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_03 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 4 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_04 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 5 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_05 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 6 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_06 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 7 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_07 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 8 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_08 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 9 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_09 ELSE BEGIN IF @no_d_id = 10 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_10 END INSERT dbo.order_line( ol_o_id, ol_d_id, ol_w_id, ol_number, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity, ol_amount, ol_dist_info) VALUES ( @o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id, @loop_counter, @no_ol_i_id, @no_ol_supply_w_id, @no_ol_quantity, @no_ol_amount, @no_ol_dist_info) SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END SELECT convert(char(8), @no_c_discount) as N'@no_c_discount', @no_c_last as N'@no_c_last', @no_c_credit as N'@no_c_credit', convert(char(8),@no_d_tax) as N'@no_d_tax', convert(char(8),@no_w_tax) as N'@no_w_tax', @no_d_next_o_id as N'@no_d_next_o_id' END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (error_number() in (701, 41839, 41823, 41302, 41305, 41325, 41301)) SELECT 'IMOLTPERROR',ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ELSE SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(2) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[delivery] @d_w_id int, @d_o_carrier_id int, @timestamp datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @d_no_o_id int, @d_d_id int, @d_c_id int, @d_ol_total int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 1 WHILE @loop_counter <= 10 BEGIN SET @d_d_id = @loop_counter DECLARE @d_out TABLE (d_no_o_id INT) DELETE TOP (1) FROM dbo.new_order OUTPUT deleted.no_o_id INTO @d_out -- @d_no_o_id WHERE new_order.no_w_id = @d_w_id AND new_order.no_d_id = @d_d_id SELECT @d_no_o_id = d_no_o_id FROM @d_out
UPDATE dbo.orders SET o_carrier_id = @d_o_carrier_id , @d_c_id = orders.o_c_id WHERE orders.o_id = @d_no_o_id AND orders.o_d_id = @d_d_id AND orders.o_w_id = @d_w_id SET @d_ol_total = 0 UPDATE dbo.order_line SET ol_delivery_d = @timestamp , @d_ol_total = @d_ol_total + ol_amount WHERE order_line.ol_o_id = @d_no_o_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @d_d_id AND order_line.ol_w_id = @d_w_id UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = customer.c_balance + @d_ol_total WHERE customer.c_id = @d_c_id AND customer.c_d_id = @d_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @d_w_id 'D: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@d_d_id AS nvarchar(4000)), '') + 'O: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@d_no_o_id AS nvarchar(4000)), '') + 'time ' + ISNULL(CAST(@timestamp AS nvarchar(4000)), '') SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END SELECT @d_w_id as N'@d_w_id', @d_o_carrier_id as N'@d_o_carrier_id', @timestamp as N'@TIMESTAMP' END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (error_number() in (701, 41839, 41823, 41302, 41305, 41325, 41301)) SELECT 'IMOLTPERROR',ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ELSE SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(3) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[payment] @p_w_id int, @p_d_id int, @p_c_w_id int, @p_c_d_id int, @p_c_id int, @byname int, @p_h_amount numeric(6,2), @p_c_last char(16), @TIMESTAMP datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @p_w_street_1 char(20), @p_w_street_2 char(20), @p_w_city char(20), @p_w_state char(2), @p_w_zip char(10), @p_d_street_1 char(20), @p_d_street_2 char(20), @p_d_city char(20), @p_d_state char(20), @p_d_zip char(10), @p_c_first char(16), @p_c_middle char(2), @p_c_street_1 char(20), @p_c_street_2 char(20), @p_c_city char(20), @p_c_state char(20), @p_c_zip char(9), @p_c_phone char(16), @p_c_since datetime2(0), @p_c_credit char(32), @p_c_credit_lim numeric(12,2), @p_c_discount numeric(4,4), @p_c_balance numeric(12,2), @p_c_data varchar(500), @namecnt int, @p_d_name char(11), @p_w_name char(11), @p_c_new_data varchar(500), @h_data varchar(30) BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SELECT @p_w_street_1 = warehouse.w_street_1 , @p_w_street_2 = warehouse.w_street_2 , @p_w_city = warehouse.w_city , @p_w_state = warehouse.w_state , @p_w_zip = warehouse.w_zip , @p_w_name = warehouse.w_name FROM dbo.warehouse WHERE warehouse.w_id = @p_w_id UPDATE dbo.district SET d_ytd = district.d_ytd + @p_h_amount WHERE district.d_w_id = @p_w_id AND district.d_id = @p_d_id SELECT @p_d_street_1 = district.d_street_1 , @p_d_street_2 = district.d_street_2 , @p_d_city = district.d_city , @p_d_state = district.d_state , @p_d_zip = district.d_zip , @p_d_name = district.d_name FROM dbo.district WHERE district.d_w_id = @p_w_id AND district.d_id = @p_d_id IF (@byname = 1) BEGIN SELECT @namecnt = count(customer.c_id) FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_last = @p_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id DECLARE c_byname CURSOR STATIC LOCAL FOR SELECT customer.c_first , customer.c_middle , customer.c_id , customer.c_street_1 , customer.c_street_2 , customer.c_city , customer.c_state , customer.c_zip , customer.c_phone , customer.c_credit , customer.c_credit_lim , customer.c_discount , C_BAL.c_balance , customer.c_since FROM dbo.customer AS customer INNER LOOP JOIN dbo.customer AS C_BAL ON C_BAL.c_w_id = customer.c_w_id AND C_BAL.c_d_id = customer.c_d_id AND C_BAL.c_id = customer.c_id WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_last = @p_c_last ORDER BY customer.c_first OPTION ( MAXDOP 1) OPEN c_byname IF ((@namecnt % 2) = 1) SET @namecnt = (@namecnt + 1) BEGIN DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 0 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = (@namecnt / 2) WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN FETCH c_byname INTO @p_c_first, @p_c_middle, @p_c_id, @p_c_street_1, @p_c_street_2, @p_c_city, @p_c_state, @p_c_zip, @p_c_phone, @p_c_credit, @p_c_credit_lim, @p_c_discount, @p_c_balance, @p_c_since SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END END CLOSE c_byname DEALLOCATE c_byname END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @p_c_first = customer.c_first, @p_c_middle = customer.c_middle, @p_c_last = customer.c_last , @p_c_street_1 = customer.c_street_1, @p_c_street_2 = customer.c_street_2 , @p_c_city = customer.c_city, @p_c_state = customer.c_state , @p_c_zip = customer.c_zip, @p_c_phone = customer.c_phone , @p_c_credit = customer.c_credit, @p_c_credit_lim = customer.c_credit_lim , @p_c_discount = customer.c_discount, @p_c_balance = customer.c_balance , @p_c_since = customer.c_since FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id END SET @p_c_balance = (@p_c_balance + @p_h_amount) IF @p_c_credit = 'BC' BEGIN SELECT @p_c_data = customer.c_data FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id SET @h_data = (ISNULL(@p_w_name, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(@p_d_name, '')) SET @p_c_new_data = ( ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_d_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_w_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_d_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_w_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_h_amount AS CHAR(8)), '') + ISNULL(CAST(@TIMESTAMP AS char), '') + ISNULL(@h_data, '')) SET @p_c_new_data = substring((@p_c_new_data + @p_c_data), 1, 500 - LEN(@p_c_new_data)) UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = @p_c_balance, c_data = @p_c_new_data WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id END ELSE UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = @p_c_balance WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id SET @h_data = (ISNULL(@p_w_name, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(@p_d_name, '')) INSERT dbo.history( h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_c_id, h_d_id, h_w_id, h_date, h_amount, h_data) VALUES ( @p_c_d_id, @p_c_w_id, @p_c_id, @p_d_id, @p_w_id, @TIMESTAMP, @p_h_amount, @h_data) SELECT @p_c_id as N'@p_c_id', @p_c_last as N'@p_c_last', @p_w_street_1 as N'@p_w_street_1' , @p_w_street_2 as N'@p_w_street_2', @p_w_city as N'@p_w_city' , @p_w_state as N'@p_w_state', @p_w_zip as N'@p_w_zip' , @p_d_street_1 as N'@p_d_street_1', @p_d_street_2 as N'@p_d_street_2' , @p_d_city as N'@p_d_city', @p_d_state as N'@p_d_state' , @p_d_zip as N'@p_d_zip', @p_c_first as N'@p_c_first' , @p_c_middle as N'@p_c_middle', @p_c_street_1 as N'@p_c_street_1' , @p_c_street_2 as N'@p_c_street_2' , @p_c_city as N'@p_c_city', @p_c_state as N'@p_c_state', @p_c_zip as N'@p_c_zip' , @p_c_phone as N'@p_c_phone', @p_c_since as N'@p_c_since', @p_c_credit as N'@p_c_credit' , @p_c_credit_lim as N'@p_c_credit_lim', @p_c_discount as N'@p_c_discount', @p_c_balance as N'@p_c_balance' , @p_c_data as N'@p_c_data' UPDATE dbo.warehouse SET w_ytd = warehouse.w_ytd + @p_h_amount WHERE warehouse.w_id = @p_w_id END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (error_number() in (701, 41839, 41823, 41302, 41305, 41325, 41301)) SELECT 'IMOLTPERROR',ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ELSE SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(4) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ostat] @os_w_id int, @os_d_id int, @os_c_id int, @byname int, @os_c_last char(20) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @os_c_first char(16), @os_c_middle char(2), @os_c_balance money, @os_o_id int, @os_entdate datetime2(0), @os_o_carrier_id int, @os_ol_i_id INT, @os_ol_supply_w_id INT, @os_ol_quantity INT, @os_ol_amount INT, @os_ol_delivery_d DATE, @namecnt int, @i int, @os_ol_i_id_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_supply_w_id_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_quantity_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_amount_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_delivery_d_array VARCHAR(210) BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SET @os_ol_i_id_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_supply_w_id_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_quantity_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_amount_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_delivery_d_array = 'CSV,' IF (@byname = 1) BEGIN SELECT @namecnt = count_big(customer.c_id) FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_last = @os_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id IF ((@namecnt % 2) = 1) SET @namecnt = (@namecnt + 1) DECLARE c_name CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT customer.c_balance , customer.c_first , customer.c_middle , customer.c_id FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_last = @os_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id ORDER BY customer.c_first OPEN c_name BEGIN DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 0 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = (@namecnt / 2) WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN FETCH c_name INTO @os_c_balance, @os_c_first, @os_c_middle, @os_c_id SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END END CLOSE c_name DEALLOCATE c_name END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @os_c_balance = customer.c_balance, @os_c_first = customer.c_first , @os_c_middle = customer.c_middle, @os_c_last = customer.c_last FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_id = @os_c_id AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id END BEGIN SELECT TOP (1) @os_o_id = fci.o_id, @os_o_carrier_id = fci.o_carrier_id, @os_entdate = fci.o_entry_d FROM (SELECT TOP 9223372036854775807 orders.o_id, orders.o_carrier_id, orders.o_entry_d FROM dbo.orders WHERE orders.o_d_id = @os_d_id AND orders.o_w_id = @os_w_id AND orders.o_c_id = @os_c_id ORDER BY orders.o_id DESC) AS fci IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 PRINT 'No orders for customer'; END SET @i = 0 DECLARE c_line CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT order_line.ol_i_id , order_line.ol_supply_w_id , order_line.ol_quantity , order_line.ol_amount , order_line.ol_delivery_d FROM dbo.order_line WHERE order_line.ol_o_id = @os_o_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @os_d_id AND order_line.ol_w_id = @os_w_id OPEN c_line WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH c_line INTO @os_ol_i_id, @os_ol_supply_w_id, @os_ol_quantity, @os_ol_amount, @os_ol_delivery_d IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -1 BREAK set @os_ol_i_id_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_i_id AS CHAR) set @os_ol_supply_w_id_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_supply_w_id AS CHAR) set @os_ol_quantity_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_quantity AS CHAR) set @os_ol_amount_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_amount AS CHAR); set @os_ol_delivery_d_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_delivery_d AS CHAR) SET @i = @i + 1 END CLOSE c_line DEALLOCATE c_line SELECT @os_c_id as N'@os_c_id', @os_c_last as N'@os_c_last', @os_c_first as N'@os_c_first', @os_c_middle as N'@os_c_middle', @os_c_balance as N'@os_c_balance', @os_o_id as N'@os_o_id', @os_entdate as N'@os_entdate', @os_o_carrier_id as N'@os_o_carrier_id' END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (error_number() in (701, 41839, 41823, 41302, 41305, 41325, 41301)) SELECT 'IMOLTPERROR',ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ELSE SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(5) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[slev] @st_w_id int, @st_d_id int, @threshold int AS BEGIN DECLARE @st_o_id int, @stock_count int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SELECT @st_o_id = district.d_next_o_id FROM dbo.district WHERE district.d_w_id = @st_w_id AND district.d_id = @st_d_id SELECT @stock_count = count_big(DISTINCT stock.s_i_id) FROM dbo.order_line , dbo.stock WHERE order_line.ol_w_id = @st_w_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @st_d_id AND (order_line.ol_o_id < @st_o_id) AND order_line.ol_o_id >= (@st_o_id - 20) AND stock.s_w_id = @st_w_id AND stock.s_i_id = order_line.ol_i_id AND stock.s_quantity < @threshold OPTION (LOOP JOIN, MAXDOP 1) SELECT @st_o_id as N'@st_o_id', @stock_count as N'@stock_count' END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (error_number() in (701, 41839, 41823, 41302, 41305, 41325, 41301)) SELECT 'IMOLTPERROR',ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ELSE SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} } else { set sql(1) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[neword] @no_w_id int, @no_max_w_id int, @no_d_id int, @no_c_id int, @no_o_ol_cnt int, @TIMESTAMP datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @no_c_discount smallmoney, @no_c_last char(16), @no_c_credit char(2), @no_d_tax smallmoney, @no_w_tax smallmoney, @no_d_next_o_id int, @no_ol_supply_w_id int, @no_ol_i_id int, @no_ol_quantity int, @no_o_all_local int, @o_id int, @no_i_name char(24), @no_i_price smallmoney, @no_i_data char(50), @no_s_quantity int, @no_ol_amount int, @no_s_dist_01 char(24), @no_s_dist_02 char(24), @no_s_dist_03 char(24), @no_s_dist_04 char(24), @no_s_dist_05 char(24), @no_s_dist_06 char(24), @no_s_dist_07 char(24), @no_s_dist_08 char(24), @no_s_dist_09 char(24), @no_s_dist_10 char(24), @no_ol_dist_info char(24), @no_s_data char(50), @x int, @rbk int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SET @no_o_all_local = 0 SELECT @no_c_discount = customer.c_discount , @no_c_last = customer.c_last , @no_c_credit = customer.c_credit , @no_w_tax = warehouse.w_tax FROM dbo.customer, dbo.warehouse WITH (INDEX = w_details) WHERE warehouse.w_id = @no_w_id AND customer.c_w_id = @no_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @no_d_id AND customer.c_id = @no_c_id UPDATE dbo.district SET @no_d_tax = d_tax , @o_id = d_next_o_id , d_next_o_id = district.d_next_o_id + 1 WHERE district.d_id = @no_d_id AND district.d_w_id = @no_w_id SET @no_d_next_o_id = @o_id+1 INSERT dbo.orders( o_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_c_id, o_entry_d, o_ol_cnt, o_all_local) VALUES ( @o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id, @no_c_id, @TIMESTAMP, @no_o_ol_cnt, @no_o_all_local) INSERT dbo.new_order(no_o_id, no_d_id, no_w_id) VALUES (@o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id) SET @rbk = CAST(100 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 1 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = @no_o_ol_cnt WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN IF ((@loop_counter = @no_o_ol_cnt) AND (@rbk = 1)) SET @no_ol_i_id = 100001 ELSE SET @no_ol_i_id = CAST(1000000 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) SET @x = CAST(100 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) IF (@x > 1) SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id ELSE BEGIN SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id SET @no_o_all_local = 0 WHILE ((@no_ol_supply_w_id = @no_w_id) AND (@no_max_w_id != 1)) BEGIN SET @no_ol_supply_w_id = CAST(@no_max_w_id * RAND() + 1 AS INT) DECLARE @db_null_statement$2 int END END SET @no_ol_quantity = CAST(10 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) SELECT @no_i_price = item.i_price , @no_i_name = item.i_name , @no_i_data = item.i_data FROM dbo.item WHERE item.i_id = @no_ol_i_id SELECT @no_s_quantity = stock.s_quantity , @no_s_data = stock.s_data , @no_s_dist_01 = stock.s_dist_01 , @no_s_dist_02 = stock.s_dist_02 , @no_s_dist_03 = stock.s_dist_03 , @no_s_dist_04 = stock.s_dist_04 , @no_s_dist_05 = stock.s_dist_05 , @no_s_dist_06 = stock.s_dist_06 , @no_s_dist_07 = stock.s_dist_07 , @no_s_dist_08 = stock.s_dist_08 , @no_s_dist_09 = stock.s_dist_09 , @no_s_dist_10 = stock.s_dist_10 FROM dbo.stock WHERE stock.s_i_id = @no_ol_i_id AND stock.s_w_id = @no_ol_supply_w_id IF (@no_s_quantity > @no_ol_quantity) SET @no_s_quantity = (@no_s_quantity - @no_ol_quantity) ELSE SET @no_s_quantity = (@no_s_quantity - @no_ol_quantity + 91) UPDATE dbo.stock SET s_quantity = @no_s_quantity WHERE stock.s_i_id = @no_ol_i_id AND stock.s_w_id = @no_ol_supply_w_id SET @no_ol_amount = (@no_ol_quantity * @no_i_price * (1 + @no_w_tax + @no_d_tax) * (1 - @no_c_discount)) IF @no_d_id = 1 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_01 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 2 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_02 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 3 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_03 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 4 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_04 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 5 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_05 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 6 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_06 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 7 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_07 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 8 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_08 ELSE IF @no_d_id = 9 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_09 ELSE BEGIN IF @no_d_id = 10 SET @no_ol_dist_info = @no_s_dist_10 END INSERT dbo.order_line( ol_o_id, ol_d_id, ol_w_id, ol_number, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity, ol_amount, ol_dist_info) VALUES ( @o_id, @no_d_id, @no_w_id, @loop_counter, @no_ol_i_id, @no_ol_supply_w_id, @no_ol_quantity, @no_ol_amount, @no_ol_dist_info) SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END SELECT convert(char(8), @no_c_discount) as N'@no_c_discount', @no_c_last as N'@no_c_last', @no_c_credit as N'@no_c_credit', convert(char(8),@no_d_tax) as N'@no_d_tax', convert(char(8),@no_w_tax) as N'@no_w_tax', @no_d_next_o_id as N'@no_d_next_o_id' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(2) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[delivery] @d_w_id int, @d_o_carrier_id int, @timestamp datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @d_no_o_id int, @d_d_id int, @d_c_id int, @d_ol_total int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 1 WHILE @loop_counter <= 10 BEGIN SET @d_d_id = @loop_counter DECLARE @d_out TABLE (d_no_o_id INT) DELETE TOP (1) FROM dbo.new_order OUTPUT deleted.no_o_id INTO @d_out -- @d_no_o_id WHERE new_order.no_w_id = @d_w_id AND new_order.no_d_id = @d_d_id SELECT @d_no_o_id = d_no_o_id FROM @d_out
UPDATE dbo.orders SET o_carrier_id = @d_o_carrier_id , @d_c_id = orders.o_c_id WHERE orders.o_id = @d_no_o_id AND orders.o_d_id = @d_d_id AND orders.o_w_id = @d_w_id SET @d_ol_total = 0 UPDATE dbo.order_line SET ol_delivery_d = @timestamp , @d_ol_total = @d_ol_total + ol_amount WHERE order_line.ol_o_id = @d_no_o_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @d_d_id AND order_line.ol_w_id = @d_w_id UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = customer.c_balance + @d_ol_total WHERE customer.c_id = @d_c_id AND customer.c_d_id = @d_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @d_w_id 'D: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@d_d_id AS nvarchar(4000)), '') + 'O: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@d_no_o_id AS nvarchar(4000)), '') + 'time ' + ISNULL(CAST(@timestamp AS nvarchar(4000)), '') SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END SELECT @d_w_id as N'@d_w_id', @d_o_carrier_id as N'@d_o_carrier_id', @timestamp as N'@TIMESTAMP' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(3) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[payment] @p_w_id int, @p_d_id int, @p_c_w_id int, @p_c_d_id int, @p_c_id int, @byname int, @p_h_amount numeric(6,2), @p_c_last char(16), @TIMESTAMP datetime2(0) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @p_w_street_1 char(20), @p_w_street_2 char(20), @p_w_city char(20), @p_w_state char(2), @p_w_zip char(10), @p_d_street_1 char(20), @p_d_street_2 char(20), @p_d_city char(20), @p_d_state char(20), @p_d_zip char(10), @p_c_first char(16), @p_c_middle char(2), @p_c_street_1 char(20), @p_c_street_2 char(20), @p_c_city char(20), @p_c_state char(20), @p_c_zip char(9), @p_c_phone char(16), @p_c_since datetime2(0), @p_c_credit char(32), @p_c_credit_lim numeric(12,2), @p_c_discount numeric(4,4), @p_c_balance numeric(12,2), @p_c_data varchar(500), @namecnt int, @p_d_name char(11), @p_w_name char(11), @p_c_new_data varchar(500), @h_data varchar(30) BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SELECT @p_w_street_1 = warehouse.w_street_1 , @p_w_street_2 = warehouse.w_street_2 , @p_w_city = warehouse.w_city , @p_w_state = warehouse.w_state , @p_w_zip = warehouse.w_zip , @p_w_name = warehouse.w_name FROM dbo.warehouse WITH (INDEX = [w_details]) WHERE warehouse.w_id = @p_w_id UPDATE dbo.district SET d_ytd = district.d_ytd + @p_h_amount WHERE district.d_w_id = @p_w_id AND district.d_id = @p_d_id SELECT @p_d_street_1 = district.d_street_1 , @p_d_street_2 = district.d_street_2 , @p_d_city = district.d_city , @p_d_state = district.d_state , @p_d_zip = district.d_zip , @p_d_name = district.d_name FROM dbo.district WITH (INDEX = d_details) WHERE district.d_w_id = @p_w_id AND district.d_id = @p_d_id IF (@byname = 1) BEGIN SELECT @namecnt = count(customer.c_id) FROM dbo.customer WITH (repeatableread) WHERE customer.c_last = @p_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id DECLARE c_byname CURSOR STATIC LOCAL FOR SELECT customer.c_first , customer.c_middle , customer.c_id , customer.c_street_1 , customer.c_street_2 , customer.c_city , customer.c_state , customer.c_zip , customer.c_phone , customer.c_credit , customer.c_credit_lim , customer.c_discount , C_BAL.c_balance , customer.c_since FROM dbo.customer AS customer WITH (INDEX = [customer_i2], repeatableread) INNER LOOP JOIN dbo.customer AS C_BAL WITH (INDEX = [customer_i1], repeatableread) ON C_BAL.c_w_id = customer.c_w_id AND C_BAL.c_d_id = customer.c_d_id AND C_BAL.c_id = customer.c_id WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_last = @p_c_last ORDER BY customer.c_first OPTION ( MAXDOP 1) OPEN c_byname IF ((@namecnt % 2) = 1) SET @namecnt = (@namecnt + 1) BEGIN DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 0 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = (@namecnt / 2) WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN FETCH c_byname INTO @p_c_first, @p_c_middle, @p_c_id, @p_c_street_1, @p_c_street_2, @p_c_city, @p_c_state, @p_c_zip, @p_c_phone, @p_c_credit, @p_c_credit_lim, @p_c_discount, @p_c_balance, @p_c_since SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END END CLOSE c_byname DEALLOCATE c_byname END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @p_c_first = customer.c_first, @p_c_middle = customer.c_middle, @p_c_last = customer.c_last , @p_c_street_1 = customer.c_street_1, @p_c_street_2 = customer.c_street_2 , @p_c_city = customer.c_city, @p_c_state = customer.c_state , @p_c_zip = customer.c_zip, @p_c_phone = customer.c_phone , @p_c_credit = customer.c_credit, @p_c_credit_lim = customer.c_credit_lim , @p_c_discount = customer.c_discount, @p_c_balance = customer.c_balance , @p_c_since = customer.c_since FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id END SET @p_c_balance = (@p_c_balance + @p_h_amount) IF @p_c_credit = 'BC' BEGIN SELECT @p_c_data = customer.c_data FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id SET @h_data = (ISNULL(@p_w_name, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(@p_d_name, '')) SET @p_c_new_data = ( ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_d_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_c_w_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_d_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_w_id AS char), '') + ' ' + ISNULL(CAST(@p_h_amount AS CHAR(8)), '') + ISNULL(CAST(@TIMESTAMP AS char), '') + ISNULL(@h_data, '')) SET @p_c_new_data = substring((@p_c_new_data + @p_c_data), 1, 500 - LEN(@p_c_new_data)) UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = @p_c_balance, c_data = @p_c_new_data WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id END ELSE UPDATE dbo.customer SET c_balance = @p_c_balance WHERE customer.c_w_id = @p_c_w_id AND customer.c_d_id = @p_c_d_id AND customer.c_id = @p_c_id SET @h_data = (ISNULL(@p_w_name, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(@p_d_name, '')) INSERT dbo.history( h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_c_id, h_d_id, h_w_id, h_date, h_amount, h_data) VALUES ( @p_c_d_id, @p_c_w_id, @p_c_id, @p_d_id, @p_w_id, @TIMESTAMP, @p_h_amount, @h_data) SELECT @p_c_id as N'@p_c_id', @p_c_last as N'@p_c_last', @p_w_street_1 as N'@p_w_street_1' , @p_w_street_2 as N'@p_w_street_2', @p_w_city as N'@p_w_city' , @p_w_state as N'@p_w_state', @p_w_zip as N'@p_w_zip' , @p_d_street_1 as N'@p_d_street_1', @p_d_street_2 as N'@p_d_street_2' , @p_d_city as N'@p_d_city', @p_d_state as N'@p_d_state' , @p_d_zip as N'@p_d_zip', @p_c_first as N'@p_c_first' , @p_c_middle as N'@p_c_middle', @p_c_street_1 as N'@p_c_street_1' , @p_c_street_2 as N'@p_c_street_2' , @p_c_city as N'@p_c_city', @p_c_state as N'@p_c_state', @p_c_zip as N'@p_c_zip' , @p_c_phone as N'@p_c_phone', @p_c_since as N'@p_c_since', @p_c_credit as N'@p_c_credit' , @p_c_credit_lim as N'@p_c_credit_lim', @p_c_discount as N'@p_c_discount', @p_c_balance as N'@p_c_balance' , @p_c_data as N'@p_c_data' UPDATE dbo.warehouse WITH (XLOCK) SET w_ytd = warehouse.w_ytd + @p_h_amount WHERE warehouse.w_id = @p_w_id END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(4) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ostat] @os_w_id int, @os_d_id int, @os_c_id int, @byname int, @os_c_last char(20) AS BEGIN SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF DECLARE @os_c_first char(16), @os_c_middle char(2), @os_c_balance money, @os_o_id int, @os_entdate datetime2(0), @os_o_carrier_id int, @os_ol_i_id INT, @os_ol_supply_w_id INT, @os_ol_quantity INT, @os_ol_amount INT, @os_ol_delivery_d DATE, @namecnt int, @i int, @os_ol_i_id_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_supply_w_id_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_quantity_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_amount_array VARCHAR(200), @os_ol_delivery_d_array VARCHAR(210) BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SET @os_ol_i_id_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_supply_w_id_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_quantity_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_amount_array = 'CSV,' SET @os_ol_delivery_d_array = 'CSV,' IF (@byname = 1) BEGIN SELECT @namecnt = count_big(customer.c_id) FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_last = @os_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id IF ((@namecnt % 2) = 1) SET @namecnt = (@namecnt + 1) DECLARE c_name CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT customer.c_balance , customer.c_first , customer.c_middle , customer.c_id FROM dbo.customer WHERE customer.c_last = @os_c_last AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id ORDER BY customer.c_first OPEN c_name BEGIN DECLARE @loop_counter int SET @loop_counter = 0 DECLARE @loop$bound int SET @loop$bound = (@namecnt / 2) WHILE @loop_counter <= @loop$bound BEGIN FETCH c_name INTO @os_c_balance, @os_c_first, @os_c_middle, @os_c_id SET @loop_counter = @loop_counter + 1 END END CLOSE c_name DEALLOCATE c_name END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @os_c_balance = customer.c_balance, @os_c_first = customer.c_first , @os_c_middle = customer.c_middle, @os_c_last = customer.c_last FROM dbo.customer WITH (repeatableread) WHERE customer.c_id = @os_c_id AND customer.c_d_id = @os_d_id AND customer.c_w_id = @os_w_id END BEGIN SELECT TOP (1) @os_o_id = fci.o_id, @os_o_carrier_id = fci.o_carrier_id, @os_entdate = fci.o_entry_d FROM (SELECT TOP 9223372036854775807 orders.o_id, orders.o_carrier_id, orders.o_entry_d FROM dbo.orders WITH (serializable) WHERE orders.o_d_id = @os_d_id AND orders.o_w_id = @os_w_id AND orders.o_c_id = @os_c_id ORDER BY orders.o_id DESC) AS fci IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 PRINT 'No orders for customer'; END SET @i = 0 DECLARE c_line CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT order_line.ol_i_id , order_line.ol_supply_w_id , order_line.ol_quantity , order_line.ol_amount , order_line.ol_delivery_d FROM dbo.order_line WITH (repeatableread) WHERE order_line.ol_o_id = @os_o_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @os_d_id AND order_line.ol_w_id = @os_w_id OPEN c_line WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH c_line INTO @os_ol_i_id, @os_ol_supply_w_id, @os_ol_quantity, @os_ol_amount, @os_ol_delivery_d IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -1 BREAK set @os_ol_i_id_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_i_id AS CHAR) set @os_ol_supply_w_id_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_supply_w_id AS CHAR) set @os_ol_quantity_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_quantity AS CHAR) set @os_ol_amount_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_amount AS CHAR); set @os_ol_delivery_d_array += CAST(@i AS CHAR) + ',' + CAST(@os_ol_delivery_d AS CHAR) SET @i = @i + 1 END CLOSE c_line DEALLOCATE c_line SELECT @os_c_id as N'@os_c_id', @os_c_last as N'@os_c_last', @os_c_first as N'@os_c_first', @os_c_middle as N'@os_c_middle', @os_c_balance as N'@os_c_balance', @os_o_id as N'@os_o_id', @os_entdate as N'@os_entdate', @os_o_carrier_id as N'@os_o_carrier_id' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} set sql(5) {CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[slev] @st_w_id int, @st_d_id int, @threshold int AS BEGIN DECLARE @st_o_id int, @stock_count int BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY SELECT @st_o_id = district.d_next_o_id FROM dbo.district WHERE district.d_w_id = @st_w_id AND district.d_id = @st_d_id SELECT @stock_count = count_big(DISTINCT stock.s_i_id) FROM dbo.order_line , dbo.stock WHERE order_line.ol_w_id = @st_w_id AND order_line.ol_d_id = @st_d_id AND (order_line.ol_o_id < @st_o_id) AND order_line.ol_o_id >= (@st_o_id - 20) AND stock.s_w_id = @st_w_id AND stock.s_i_id = order_line.ol_i_id AND stock.s_quantity < @threshold OPTION (LOOP JOIN, MAXDOP 1) SELECT @st_o_id as N'@st_o_id', @stock_count as N'@stock_count' END TRY BEGIN CATCH SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH; IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; END} } for { set i 1 } { $i <= 5 } { incr i } { odbc $sql($i) } return } proc UpdateStatistics { odbc db } { puts "UPDATING SCHEMA STATISTICS" set sql(1) "USE $db" set sql(2) "EXEC sp_updatestats" for { set i 1 } { $i <= 2 } { incr i } { odbc $sql($i) } return } proc CreateDatabase { odbc db imdb } { set table_count 0 puts "CHECKING IF DATABASE $db EXISTS" set db_exists [ odbc "IF DB_ID('$db') is not null SELECT 1 AS res ELSE SELECT 0 AS res" ] if { $db_exists } { odbc "use $db" set table_count [ odbc "select COUNT(*) from sys.tables" ] if { $table_count == 0 } { puts "Empty database $db exists" if { $imdb } { odbc "ALTER DATABASE $db SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS OFF" odbc "ALTER DATABASE $db SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS OFF" set imdb_fg [ odbc {SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.filegroups FG JOIN sys.database_files F ON FG.data_space_id = F.data_space_id WHERE FG.type = 'FX' AND F.type = 2} ] if { $imdb_fg eq "1" } { set elevatetosnap [ odbc "SELECT is_memory_optimized_elevate_to_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '$db'" ] if { $elevatetosnap eq "1" } { puts "Using existing Memory Optimized Database $db with ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT for Schema build" } else { puts "Existing Memory Optimized Database $db exists, setting ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT" unset -nocomplain elevatetosnap odbc "ALTER DATABASE $db SET MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT = ON" set elevatetosnap [ odbc "SELECT is_memory_optimized_elevate_to_snapshot_on FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '$db'" ] if { $elevatetosnap eq "1" } { puts "Success: Set ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT for Database $db" } else { puts "Failed to set ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT for Database $db" error "Set ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT for Database $db and retry build" } } } else { puts "Database $db must be in a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup" error "Database $db exists but is not in a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup" } } else { puts "Using existing empty Database $db for Schema build" } } else { puts "Database with tables $db exists" error "Database $db exists but is not empty, specify a new or empty database name" } } else { if { $imdb } { puts "In Memory Database chosen but $db does not exist" error "Database $db must be pre-created in a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup and empty, to specify an In-Memory build" } else { puts "CREATING DATABASE $db" odbc "create database $db" } } } proc CreateTables { odbc imdb count_ware bucket_factor durability } { puts "CREATING TPCC TABLES" if { $imdb } { set stmnt_cnt 9 set ware_bc [ expr $count_ware * 1 ] set dist_bc [ expr $count_ware * 10 ] set item_bc 131072 set cust_bc [ expr $count_ware * 30000 ] set stock_bc [ expr $count_ware * 100000 ] set neword_bc [ expr $count_ware * (40000 * $bucket_factor) ] set orderl_bc [ expr $count_ware * (400000 * $bucket_factor) ] set order_bc [ expr $count_ware * (40000 * $bucket_factor) ] set sql(1) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[customer] ( [c_id] [int] NOT NULL, [c_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [c_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [c_discount] [smallmoney] NULL, [c_credit_lim] [money] NULL, [c_last] [char](16) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_first] [char](16) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_credit] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_balance] [money] NULL, [c_ytd_payment] [money] NULL, [c_payment_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [c_delivery_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [c_street_1] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_street_2] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_city] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_state] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_zip] [char](9) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_phone] [char](16) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_since] [datetime] NULL, [c_middle] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [c_data] [char](500) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [customer_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([c_id], [c_d_id], [c_w_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $cust_bc), INDEX [customer_i2] NONCLUSTERED ([c_last], [c_w_id], [c_d_id], [c_first], [c_id])) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(2) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[district] ( [d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [d_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [d_ytd] [money] NOT NULL, [d_next_o_id] [int] NULL, [d_tax] [smallmoney] NULL, [d_name] [char](10) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [d_street_1] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [d_street_2] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [d_city] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [d_state] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [d_zip] [char](9) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [district_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([d_id], [d_w_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $dist_bc)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(3) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[history] ( [h_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [h_c_id] [int] NOT NULL, [h_c_d_id] [tinyint] NULL, [h_c_w_id] [int] NULL, [h_d_id] [tinyint] NULL, [h_w_id] [int] NULL, [h_date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [h_amount] [smallmoney] NULL, [h_data] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [history_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([h_id])) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(4) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item] ( [i_id] [int] NOT NULL, [i_name] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [i_price] [smallmoney] NULL, [i_data] [char](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [i_im_id] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [item_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([i_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $item_bc)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON , DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(5) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[new_order] ( [no_o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [no_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [no_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [new_order_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([no_w_id], [no_d_id], [no_o_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $neword_bc)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(6) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[order_line] ([ol_o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [ol_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [ol_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [ol_number] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [ol_i_id] [int] NULL, [ol_delivery_d] [datetime] NULL, [ol_amount] [smallmoney] NULL, [ol_supply_w_id] [int] NULL, [ol_quantity] [smallint] NULL, [ol_dist_info] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [order_line_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([ol_o_id], [ol_d_id], [ol_w_id], [ol_number]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $orderl_bc), INDEX [orderline_i2] NONCLUSTERED ([ol_d_id], [ol_w_id], [ol_o_id])) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability )}] set sql(7) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[orders] ( [o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [o_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_c_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_carrier_id] [tinyint] NULL, [o_ol_cnt] [tinyint] NULL, [o_all_local] [tinyint] NULL, [o_entry_d] [datetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [orders_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([o_w_id], [o_d_id], [o_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $order_bc), INDEX [orders_i2] NONCLUSTERED ([o_c_id], [o_d_id], [o_w_id], [o_id])) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON , DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(8) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stock] ( [s_i_id] [int] NOT NULL, [s_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [s_quantity] [smallint] NOT NULL, [s_ytd] [int] NOT NULL, [s_order_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [s_remote_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [s_data] [char](50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_01] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_02] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_03] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_04] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_05] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_06] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_07] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_08] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_09] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [s_dist_10] [char](24) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [stock_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ( [s_i_id], [s_w_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $stock_bc)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] set sql(9) [ subst -nocommands {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[warehouse] ([w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [w_ytd] [money] NOT NULL, [w_tax] [smallmoney] NOT NULL, [w_name] [char](10) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [w_street_1] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [w_street_2] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [w_city] [char](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [w_state] [char](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [w_zip] [char](9) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [warehouse_i1] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH ([w_id]) WITH (BUCKET_COUNT = $ware_bc)) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = $durability)}] } else { set stmnt_cnt 20 set sql(1) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[customer]( [c_id] [int] NOT NULL, [c_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [c_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [c_discount] [smallmoney] NULL, [c_credit_lim] [money] NULL, [c_last] [char](16) NULL, [c_first] [char](16) NULL, [c_credit] [char](2) NULL, [c_balance] [money] NULL, [c_ytd_payment] [money] NULL, [c_payment_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [c_delivery_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [c_street_1] [char](20) NULL, [c_street_2] [char](20) NULL, [c_city] [char](20) NULL, [c_state] [char](2) NULL, [c_zip] [char](9) NULL, [c_phone] [char](16) NULL, [c_since] [datetime] NULL, [c_middle] [char](2) NULL, [c_data] [char](500) NULL)} set sql(2) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[district]( [d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [d_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [d_ytd] [money] NOT NULL, [d_next_o_id] [int] NULL, [d_tax] [smallmoney] NULL, [d_name] [char](10) NULL, [d_street_1] [char](20) NULL, [d_street_2] [char](20) NULL, [d_city] [char](20) NULL, [d_state] [char](2) NULL, [d_zip] [char](9) NULL, [padding] [char](6000) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_DISTRICT] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [d_w_id] ASC, [d_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON))} set sql(3) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[history]( [h_c_id] [int] NULL, [h_c_d_id] [tinyint] NULL, [h_c_w_id] [int] NULL, [h_d_id] [tinyint] NULL, [h_w_id] [int] NULL, [h_date] [datetime] NULL, [h_amount] [smallmoney] NULL, [h_data] [char](24) NULL)} set sql(4) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[item]( [i_id] [int] NOT NULL, [i_name] [char](24) NULL, [i_price] [smallmoney] NULL, [i_data] [char](50) NULL, [i_im_id] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ITEM] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [i_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON))} set sql(5) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[new_order]( [no_o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [no_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [no_w_id] [int] NOT NULL)} set sql(6) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[orders]( [o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [o_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_c_id] [int] NOT NULL, [o_carrier_id] [tinyint] NULL, [o_ol_cnt] [tinyint] NULL, [o_all_local] [tinyint] NULL, [o_entry_d] [datetime] NULL)} set sql(7) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[order_line]( [ol_o_id] [int] NOT NULL, [ol_d_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [ol_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [ol_number] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [ol_i_id] [int] NULL, [ol_delivery_d] [datetime] NULL, [ol_amount] [smallmoney] NULL, [ol_supply_w_id] [int] NULL, [ol_quantity] [smallint] NULL, [ol_dist_info] [char](24) NULL)} set sql(8) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stock]( [s_i_id] [int] NOT NULL, [s_w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [s_quantity] [smallint] NOT NULL, [s_ytd] [int] NOT NULL, [s_order_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [s_remote_cnt] [smallint] NULL, [s_data] [char](50) NULL, [s_dist_01] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_02] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_03] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_04] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_05] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_06] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_07] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_08] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_09] [char](24) NULL, [s_dist_10] [char](24) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_STOCK] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [s_w_id] ASC, [s_i_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON))} set sql(9) {CREATE TABLE [dbo].[warehouse]( [w_id] [int] NOT NULL, [w_ytd] [money] NOT NULL, [w_tax] [smallmoney] NOT NULL, [w_name] [char](10) NULL, [w_street_1] [char](20) NULL, [w_street_2] [char](20) NULL, [w_city] [char](20) NULL, [w_state] [char](2) NULL, [w_zip] [char](9) NULL, [padding] [char](4000) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_WAREHOUSE] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [w_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON))} set sql(10) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[customer] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(11) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[district] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(12) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[history] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(13) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[item] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(14) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[new_order] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(15) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[orders] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(16) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[order_line] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(17) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[stock] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(18) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[warehouse] SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = DISABLE)} set sql(19) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[district] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__DISTRICT__paddin__282DF8C2] DEFAULT (replicate('X',(6000))) FOR [padding]} set sql(20) {ALTER TABLE [dbo].[warehouse] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF__WAREHOUSE__paddi__14270015] DEFAULT (replicate('x',(4000))) FOR [padding]} } for { set i 1 } { $i <= $stmnt_cnt } { incr i } { odbc $sql($i) } return } proc CreateIndexes { odbc imdb } { puts "CREATING TPCC INDEXES" if { $imdb } { #In-memory Indexes created with tables } else { set sql(1) {CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [customer_i1] ON [dbo].[customer] ( [c_w_id] ASC, [c_d_id] ASC, [c_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(2) {CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [new_order_i1] ON [dbo].[new_order] ( [no_w_id] ASC, [no_d_id] ASC, [no_o_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(3) {CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [orders_i1] ON [dbo].[orders] ( [o_w_id] ASC, [o_d_id] ASC, [o_id] ASC) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(4) {CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [order_line_i1] ON [dbo].[order_line] ( [ol_w_id] ASC, [ol_d_id] ASC, [ol_o_id] ASC, [ol_number] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(5) {CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [customer_i2] ON [dbo].[customer] ( [c_w_id] ASC, [c_d_id] ASC, [c_last] ASC, [c_id] ASC) INCLUDE ([c_credit], [c_street_1], [c_street_2], [c_city], [c_state], [c_zip], [c_phone], [c_middle], [c_credit_lim], [c_since], [c_discount], [c_first]) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(6) {CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [d_details] ON [dbo].[district] ( [d_id] ASC, [d_w_id] ASC) INCLUDE ([d_name], [d_street_1], [d_street_2], [d_city], [d_state], [d_zip], [padding]) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON)} set sql(7) {CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [orders_i2] ON [dbo].[orders] ( [o_w_id] ASC, [o_d_id] ASC, [o_c_id] ASC, [o_id] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} set sql(8) {CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [w_details] ON [dbo].[warehouse] ( [w_id] ASC) INCLUDE ([w_tax], [w_name], [w_street_1], [w_street_2], [w_city], [w_state], [w_zip], [padding]) WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF)} for { set i 1 } { $i <= 8 } { incr i } { odbc $sql($i) } } return } proc chk_thread {} { set chk [package provide Thread] if {[string length $chk]} { return "TRUE" } else { return "FALSE" } } proc RandomNumber {m M} {return [expr {int($m+rand()*($M+1-$m))}]} proc gettimestamp { } { set tstamp [ clock format [ clock seconds ] -format %Y%m%d%H%M%S ] return $tstamp } proc NURand { iConst x y C } {return [ expr {((([RandomNumber 0 $iConst] | [RandomNumber $x $y]) + $C) % ($y - $x + 1)) + $x }]} proc Lastname { num namearr } { set name [ concat [ lindex $namearr [ expr {( $num / 100 ) % 10 }] ][ lindex $namearr [ expr {( $num / 10 ) % 10 }] ][ lindex $namearr [ expr {( $num / 1 ) % 10 }]]] return $name } proc MakeAlphaString { x y chArray chalen } { set len [ RandomNumber $x $y ] for {set i 0} {$i < $len } {incr i } { append alphastring [lindex $chArray [ expr {int(rand()*$chalen)}]] } return $alphastring } proc Makezip { } { set zip "000011111" set ranz [ RandomNumber 0 9999 ] set len [ expr {[ string length $ranz ] - 1} ] set zip [ string replace $zip 0 $len $ranz ] return $zip } proc MakeAddress { chArray chalen } { return [ list [ MakeAlphaString 10 20 $chArray $chalen ] [ MakeAlphaString 10 20 $chArray $chalen ] [ MakeAlphaString 10 20 $chArray $chalen ] [ MakeAlphaString 2 2 $chArray $chalen ] [ Makezip ] ] } proc MakeNumberString { } { set zeroed "00000000" set a [ RandomNumber 0 99999999 ] set b [ RandomNumber 0 99999999 ] set lena [ expr {[ string length $a ] - 1} ] set lenb [ expr {[ string length $b ] - 1} ] set c_pa [ string replace $zeroed 0 $lena $a ] set c_pb [ string replace $zeroed 0 $lenb $b ] set numberstring [ concat $c_pa$c_pb ] return $numberstring } proc Customer { odbc d_id w_id CUST_PER_DIST } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set namearr [list BAR OUGHT ABLE PRI PRES ESE ANTI CALLY ATION EING] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] set bld_cnt 1 set c_d_id $d_id set c_w_id $w_id set c_middle "OE" set c_balance -10.0 set c_credit_lim 50000 set h_amount 10.0 puts "Loading Customer for DID=$d_id WID=$w_id" for {set c_id 1} {$c_id <= $CUST_PER_DIST } {incr c_id } { set c_first [ MakeAlphaString 8 16 $globArray $chalen ] if { $c_id <= 1000 } { set c_last [ Lastname [ expr {$c_id - 1} ] $namearr ] } else { set nrnd [ NURand 255 0 999 123 ] set c_last [ Lastname $nrnd $namearr ] } set c_add [ MakeAddress $globArray $chalen ] set c_phone [ MakeNumberString ] if { [RandomNumber 0 1] eq 1 } { set c_credit "GC" } else { set c_credit "BC" } set disc_ran [ RandomNumber 0 50 ] set c_discount [ expr {$disc_ran / 100.0} ] set c_data [ MakeAlphaString 300 500 $globArray $chalen ] append c_val_list ('$c_id', '$c_d_id', '$c_w_id', '$c_first', '$c_middle', '$c_last', '[ lindex $c_add 0 ]', '[ lindex $c_add 1 ]', '[ lindex $$c_add 2 ]', '[ lindex $c_add 3 ]', '[ lindex $c_add 4 ]', '$c_phone', getdate(), '$c_credit', '$c_credit_lim', '$c_discount', '$c_balance', '$c_data', '10.0', '1', '0') set h_data [ MakeAlphaString 12 24 $globArray $chalen ] append h_val_list ('$c_id', '$c_d_id', '$c_w_id', '$c_w_id', '$c_d_id', getdate(), '$h_amount', '$h_data') if { $bld_cnt<= 1 } { append c_val_list , append h_val_list , } incr bld_cnt if { ![ expr {$c_id % 2} ] } { odbc "insert into customer (c_id, c_d_id, c_w_id, c_first, c_middle, c_last, c_street_1, c_street_2, c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_since, c_credit, c_credit_lim, c_discount, c_balance, c_data, c_ytd_payment, c_payment_cnt, c_delivery_cnt) values $c_val_list" odbc "insert into history (h_c_id, h_c_d_id, h_c_w_id, h_w_id, h_d_id, h_date, h_amount, h_data) values $h_val_list" odbc commit set bld_cnt 1 unset c_val_list unset h_val_list } } puts "Customer Done" return } proc Orders { odbc d_id w_id MAXITEMS ORD_PER_DIST } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] set bld_cnt 1 puts "Loading Orders for D=$d_id W=$w_id" set o_d_id $d_id set o_w_id $w_id for {set i 1} {$i <= $ORD_PER_DIST } {incr i } { set cust($i) $i } for {set i 1} {$i <= $ORD_PER_DIST } {incr i } { set r [ RandomNumber $i $ORD_PER_DIST ] set t $cust($i) set cust($i) $cust($r) set $cust($r) $t } set e "" for {set o_id 1} {$o_id <= $ORD_PER_DIST } {incr o_id } { set o_c_id $cust($o_id) set o_carrier_id [ RandomNumber 1 10 ] set o_ol_cnt [ RandomNumber 5 15 ] if { $o_id > 2100 } { set e "o1" append o_val_list ('$o_id', '$o_c_id', '$o_d_id', '$o_w_id', getdate(), null, '$o_ol_cnt', '1') set e "no1" append no_val_list ('$o_id', '$o_d_id', '$o_w_id') } else { set e "o3" append o_val_list ('$o_id', '$o_c_id', '$o_d_id', '$o_w_id', getdate(), '$o_carrier_id', '$o_ol_cnt', '1') } for {set ol 1} {$ol <= $o_ol_cnt } {incr ol } { set ol_i_id [ RandomNumber 1 $MAXITEMS ] set ol_supply_w_id $o_w_id set ol_quantity 5 set ol_amount 0.0 set ol_dist_info [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] if { $o_id > 2100 } { set e "ol1" append ol_val_list ('$o_id', '$o_d_id', '$o_w_id', '$ol', '$ol_i_id', '$ol_supply_w_id', '$ol_quantity', '$ol_amount', '$ol_dist_info', null) if { $bld_cnt<= 1 } { append ol_val_list , } else { if { $ol != $o_ol_cnt } { append ol_val_list , } } } else { set amt_ran [ RandomNumber 10 10000 ] set ol_amount [ expr {$amt_ran / 100.0} ] set e "ol2" append ol_val_list ('$o_id', '$o_d_id', '$o_w_id', '$ol', '$ol_i_id', '$ol_supply_w_id', '$ol_quantity', '$ol_amount', '$ol_dist_info', getdate()) if { $bld_cnt<= 1 } { append ol_val_list , } else { if { $ol != $o_ol_cnt } { append ol_val_list , } } } } if { $bld_cnt<= 1 } { append o_val_list , if { $o_id > 2100 } { append no_val_list , } } incr bld_cnt if { ![ expr {$o_id % 2} ] } { if { ![ expr {$o_id % 1000} ] } { puts "...$o_id" } odbc "insert into orders (o_id, o_c_id, o_d_id, o_w_id, o_entry_d, o_carrier_id, o_ol_cnt, o_all_local) values $o_val_list" if { $o_id > 2100 } { odbc "insert into new_order (no_o_id, no_d_id, no_w_id) values $no_val_list" } odbc "insert into order_line (ol_o_id, ol_d_id, ol_w_id, ol_number, ol_i_id, ol_supply_w_id, ol_quantity, ol_amount, ol_dist_info, ol_delivery_d) values $ol_val_list" odbc commit set bld_cnt 1 unset o_val_list unset -nocomplain no_val_list unset ol_val_list } } odbc commit puts "Orders Done" return } proc LoadItems { odbc MAXITEMS } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] puts "Loading Item" for {set i 0} {$i < [ expr {$MAXITEMS/10} ] } {incr i } { set orig($i) 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < [ expr {$MAXITEMS/10} ] } {incr i } { set pos [ RandomNumber 0 $MAXITEMS ] set orig($pos) 1 } for {set i_id 1} {$i_id <= $MAXITEMS } {incr i_id } { set i_im_id [ RandomNumber 1 10000 ] set i_name [ MakeAlphaString 14 24 $globArray $chalen ] set i_price_ran [ RandomNumber 100 10000 ] set i_price [ format "%4.2f" [ expr {$i_price_ran / 100.0} ] ] set i_data [ MakeAlphaString 26 50 $globArray $chalen ] if { [ info exists orig($i_id) ] } { if { $orig($i_id) eq 1 } { set first [ RandomNumber 0 [ expr {[ string length $i_data] - 8}] ] set last [ expr {$first + 8} ] set i_data [ string replace $i_data $first $last "original" ] } } odbc "insert into item (i_id, i_im_id, i_name, i_price, i_data) VALUES ('$i_id', '$i_im_id', '$i_name', '$i_price', '$i_data')" if { ![ expr {$i_id % 50000} ] } { puts "Loading Items - $i_id" } } odbc commit puts "Item done" return } proc Stock { odbc w_id MAXITEMS } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] set bld_cnt 1 puts "Loading Stock Wid=$w_id" set s_w_id $w_id for {set i 0} {$i < [ expr {$MAXITEMS/10} ] } {incr i } { set orig($i) 0 } for {set i 0} {$i < [ expr {$MAXITEMS/10} ] } {incr i } { set pos [ RandomNumber 0 $MAXITEMS ] set orig($pos) 1 } for {set s_i_id 1} {$s_i_id <= $MAXITEMS } {incr s_i_id } { set s_quantity [ RandomNumber 10 100 ] set s_dist_01 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_02 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_03 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_04 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_05 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_06 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_07 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_08 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_09 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_dist_10 [ MakeAlphaString 24 24 $globArray $chalen ] set s_data [ MakeAlphaString 26 50 $globArray $chalen ] if { [ info exists orig($s_i_id) ] } { if { $orig($s_i_id) eq 1 } { set first [ RandomNumber 0 [ expr {[ string length $s_data]} - 8 ] ] set last [ expr {$first + 8} ] set s_data [ string replace $s_data $first $last "original" ] } } append val_list ('$s_i_id', '$s_w_id', '$s_quantity', '$s_dist_01', '$s_dist_02', '$s_dist_03', '$s_dist_04', '$s_dist_05', '$s_dist_06', '$s_dist_07', '$s_dist_08', '$s_dist_09', '$s_dist_10', '$s_data', '0', '0', '0') if { $bld_cnt<= 1 } { append val_list , } incr bld_cnt if { ![ expr {$s_i_id % 2} ] } { odbc "insert into stock (s_i_id, s_w_id, s_quantity, s_dist_01, s_dist_02, s_dist_03, s_dist_04, s_dist_05, s_dist_06, s_dist_07, s_dist_08, s_dist_09, s_dist_10, s_data, s_ytd, s_order_cnt, s_remote_cnt) values $val_list" odbc commit set bld_cnt 1 unset val_list } if { ![ expr {$s_i_id % 20000} ] } { puts "Loading Stock - $s_i_id" } } odbc commit puts "Stock done" return } proc District { odbc w_id DIST_PER_WARE } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] puts "Loading District" set d_w_id $w_id set d_ytd 30000.0 set d_next_o_id 3001 for {set d_id 1} {$d_id <= $DIST_PER_WARE } {incr d_id } { set d_name [ MakeAlphaString 6 10 $globArray $chalen ] set d_add [ MakeAddress $globArray $chalen ] set d_tax_ran [ RandomNumber 10 20 ] set d_tax [ string replace [ format "%.2f" [ expr {$d_tax_ran / 100.0} ] ] 0 0 "" ] odbc "insert into district (d_id, d_w_id, d_name, d_street_1, d_street_2, d_city, d_state, d_zip, d_tax, d_ytd, d_next_o_id) values ('$d_id', '$d_w_id', '$d_name', '[ lindex $d_add 0 ]', '[ lindex $d_add 1 ]', '[ lindex $d_add 2 ]', '[ lindex $d_add 3 ]', '[ lindex $d_add 4 ]', '$d_tax', '$d_ytd', '$d_next_o_id')" } odbc commit puts "District done" return } proc LoadWare { odbc ware_start count_ware MAXITEMS DIST_PER_WARE } { set globArray [ list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ] set chalen [ llength $globArray ] puts "Loading Warehouse" set w_ytd 3000000.00 for {set w_id $ware_start } {$w_id <= $count_ware } {incr w_id } { set w_name [ MakeAlphaString 6 10 $globArray $chalen ] set add [ MakeAddress $globArray $chalen ] set w_tax_ran [ RandomNumber 10 20 ] set w_tax [ string replace [ format "%.2f" [ expr {$w_tax_ran / 100.0} ] ] 0 0 "" ] odbc "insert into warehouse (w_id, w_name, w_street_1, w_street_2, w_city, w_state, w_zip, w_tax, w_ytd) values ('$w_id', '$w_name', '[ lindex $add 0 ]', '[ lindex $add 1 ]', '[ lindex $add 2 ]' , '[ lindex $add 3 ]', '[ lindex $add 4 ]', '$w_tax', '$w_ytd')" Stock odbc $w_id $MAXITEMS District odbc $w_id $DIST_PER_WARE odbc commit } } proc LoadCust { odbc ware_start count_ware CUST_PER_DIST DIST_PER_WARE } { for {set w_id $ware_start} {$w_id <= $count_ware } {incr w_id } { for {set d_id 1} {$d_id <= $DIST_PER_WARE } {incr d_id } { Customer odbc $d_id $w_id $CUST_PER_DIST } } odbc commit return } proc LoadOrd { odbc ware_start count_ware MAXITEMS ORD_PER_DIST DIST_PER_WARE } { for {set w_id $ware_start} {$w_id <= $count_ware } {incr w_id } { for {set d_id 1} {$d_id <= $DIST_PER_WARE } {incr d_id } { Orders odbc $d_id $w_id $MAXITEMS $ORD_PER_DIST } } odbc commit return } proc connect_string { server port odbc_driver authentication uid pwd } { if {[ string toupper $authentication ] eq "WINDOWS" } { if {[ string match -nocase {*native*} $odbc_driver ] } { set connection "DRIVER=$odbc_driver;SERVER=$server;PORT=$port;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES" } else { set connection "DRIVER=$odbc_driver;SERVER=$server;PORT=$port" } } else { if {[ string toupper $authentication ] eq "SQL" } { set connection "DRIVER=$odbc_driver;SERVER=$server;PORT=$port;UID=$uid;PWD=$pwd" } else { puts stderr "Error: neither WINDOWS or SQL Authentication has been specified" set connection "DRIVER=$odbc_driver;SERVER=$server;PORT=$port" } } return $connection } proc do_tpcc { server port odbc_driver authentication uid pwd count_ware db imdb bucket_factor durability num_threads } { set MAXITEMS 100000 set CUST_PER_DIST 3000 set DIST_PER_WARE 10 set ORD_PER_DIST 3000 set connection [ connect_string $server $port $odbc_driver $authentication $uid $pwd ] if { $num_threads > $count_ware } { set num_threads $count_ware } if { $num_threads > 1 && [ chk_thread ] eq "TRUE" } { set threaded "MULTI-THREADED" set mythread [thread::id] set allthreads [split [thread::names]] set totalvirtualusers [expr [llength $allthreads] - 1] set myposition [expr $totalvirtualusers - [lsearch -exact $allthreads $mythread]] if {![catch {set timeout [tsv::get application timeout]}]} { if { $timeout eq 0 } { set totalvirtualusers [ expr $totalvirtualusers - 1 ] set myposition [ expr $myposition - 1 ] } } switch $myposition { 1 { puts "Monitor Thread" if { $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" } { tsv::lappend common thrdlst monitor for { set th 1 } { $th <= $totalvirtualusers } { incr th } { tsv::lappend common thrdlst idle } tsv::set application load "WAIT" } } default { puts "Worker Thread" if { [ expr $myposition - 1 ] > $count_ware } { puts "No Warehouses to Create"; return } } } } else { set threaded "SINGLE-THREADED" set num_threads 1 } if { $threaded eq "SINGLE-THREADED" || $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" && $myposition eq 1 } { puts "CREATING [ string toupper $db ] SCHEMA" if [catch {database connect odbc $connection} message ] { puts stderr "Error: the database connection to $connection could not be established" error $message return } else { CreateDatabase odbc $db $imdb odbc "use $db" CreateTables odbc $imdb $count_ware $bucket_factor $durability } if { $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" } { tsv::set application load "READY" LoadItems odbc $MAXITEMS puts "Monitoring Workers..." set prevactive 0 while 1 { set idlcnt 0; set lvcnt 0; set dncnt 0; for {set th 2} {$th <= $totalvirtualusers } {incr th} { switch [tsv::lindex common thrdlst $th] { idle { incr idlcnt } active { incr lvcnt } done { incr dncnt } } } if { $lvcnt != $prevactive } { puts "Workers: $lvcnt Active $dncnt Done" } set prevactive $lvcnt if { $dncnt eq [expr $totalvirtualusers - 1] } { break } after 10000 }} else { LoadItems odbc $MAXITEMS }} if { $threaded eq "SINGLE-THREADED" || $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" && $myposition != 1 } { if { $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" } { puts "Waiting for Monitor Thread..." set mtcnt 0 while 1 { incr mtcnt if { [ tsv::get application load ] eq "READY" } { break } if { $mtcnt eq 48 } { puts "Monitor failed to notify ready state" return } after 5000 } if [catch {database connect odbc $connection} message ] { puts stderr "error, the database connection to $connection could not be established" error $message return } else { odbc "use $db" odbc set autocommit off } if { [ expr $num_threads + 1 ] > $count_ware } { set num_threads $count_ware } set chunk [ expr $count_ware / $num_threads ] set rem [ expr $count_ware % $num_threads ] if { $rem > $chunk } { if { [ expr $myposition - 1 ] <= $rem } { set chunk [ expr $chunk + 1 ] set mystart [ expr ($chunk * ($myposition - 2)+1) + ($rem - ($rem - $myposition+$myposition)) ] } else { set mystart [ expr ($chunk * ($myposition - 2)+1) + $rem ] } } else { set mystart [ expr ($chunk * ($myposition - 2)+1) ] } set myend [ expr $mystart + $chunk - 1 ] if { $myposition eq $num_threads + 1 } { set myend $count_ware } puts "Loading $chunk Warehouses start:$mystart end:$myend" tsv::lreplace common thrdlst $myposition $myposition active } else { set mystart 1 set myend $count_ware } puts "Start:[ clock format [ clock seconds ] ]" LoadWare odbc $mystart $myend $MAXITEMS $DIST_PER_WARE LoadCust odbc $mystart $myend $CUST_PER_DIST $DIST_PER_WARE LoadOrd odbc $mystart $myend $MAXITEMS $ORD_PER_DIST $DIST_PER_WARE puts "End:[ clock format [ clock seconds ] ]" odbc commit if { $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" } { tsv::lreplace common thrdlst $myposition $myposition done } } if { $threaded eq "SINGLE-THREADED" || $threaded eq "MULTI-THREADED" && $myposition eq 1 } { CreateIndexes odbc $imdb CreateStoredProcs odbc $imdb UpdateStatistics odbc $db puts "[ string toupper $db ] SCHEMA COMPLETE" odbc disconnect return } } do_tpcc {(local)} 1433 {SQL Server Native Client 11.0} sql tpcc tpcc 1 tpcc false 1 SCHEMA_AND_DATA 1 |
엄청 길다..
로딩 오더, 로딩 아이템 등등... 작업을 마칠때까지 기다렸다가
다되면 TPCC SCHEMA COMPLETE라고 뜨면 스키마는 준비가 되었다
완료가 되었다면 연결된 버추얼 유저를 정리하고
녹색 화살표 옆에 빨간 신호등을 누르면 지금 virtual user는 끊어진다
Virtual user에서 options
Transactions 에서 options
두개가 잘 설정되어 있어야 그래프로 볼수 있다
Virtual user는 이번에 1개만 생성하고 테스트를 해볼건데
위 그림처럼 그냥 하고 확인 누르면 된다
그리고 Create한다음
Driver Script에서 load 더블클릭 하면 테스트를 위한 스크립트가 로드된다 (TPS를 측정하기 위한 스크립트)
그 다음 Virtual user쪽에서 Run를 해주면?
미친듯이 output이 올라가고
빨간색 펜처럼 보이는곳을 누르면 transaction을 측정하는데 눌러주면 아래처럼 보이고 조금만 더 기다리면 측정값이 나온다
다른 디비도 방법은 같기 때문에 한 디비에 한정해서 테스트 했는데 다른디비도 방법은 위와 같다
추가로 안녕하세요님이 잘 보셨으면 좋겠다